@article{oai:tamagawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000106, author = {早川, 博章 and 中島, 直樹 and 相原, 威}, issue = {54}, journal = {玉川大学工学部紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {The hippocampus organizes sequential memory composed of non-spatial information (such as objects and odors) and spatial information (places). The dentate gyrus (DG) in the hippocampus receives two types of information from the lateral and medial entorhinal cortices. Non-spatial and spatial information is delivered respectively to distal and medial dendrites (DD and MD) of granule cells (GCs) within the molecular layer in the DG. In addition, short-term plasticity (facilitation at DD, depression at MD) has been reported as one of the input characteristics of dendrites in the granule cells. These reports suggest that, different information processing for DD and MD synapses are performed. When the performance of the frequency response characteristic of MD was evaluated by mutual information, MD had selectivity for burst input of θ band. On the other hand, there was suggested the possibility that, frequency selectivity in burst pattern also changes slightly by varying two parameters of a neurotransmission model. It was reported that, the frequency response characteristic is influenced by the neuromodulator, there is a possibility that the selectivity to the burst input in the MD may also be controlled by the neuromodulator.}, pages = {51--57}, title = {海馬歯状回における短期抑圧が情報処理に与える影響}, year = {2019} }