@article{oai:tamagawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001499, author = {Ken-ichi, Harano}, issue = {28}, journal = {学術研究所紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {Here, I aimed to reveal the foraging habits of Andrena taraxaci orienticola females. I found the following results: 1) This bee is oligolectic and use four Asteraceae as food plants, primarily relying on Taraxacum platycarpum; 2) Bees begin visiting T. platycarpum at the flower opening, abandoning them a few hours later, although the flowers are still open; 3) Bees shift visitation to T. platycarpum from sunny to shaded sites as time passes; 4) Most flights were made between 08:00 and11:00 h; 5) They collect pollen in most flights, except for the first flight of the day; 6) Generally, bees make 4.7 flights of 18.4 min at intervals of 6.0 min; 7) Bees do not add nectar to pollen loads in the field.}, pages = {13--22}, title = {Foraging Characteristics of a Solitary Bee, Andrena taraxaci orienticola}, year = {2023} }