@article{oai:tamagawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000167, author = {杉﨑,えり子 and 立脇,志穂 and 礒村,宜和 and 相原,威}, issue = {58}, journal = {玉川大学工学部紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {Spatial and non-spatial information is known to flow into granule cells (GC) in the hippocampal dentate gyrus via the medial and lateral perforant path (MPP/LPP) respectively. At both sites, spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) was induced, however, how acetylcholine (ACh), a neuromodulator released when attentional processes are made, influences on STDP induction is unclear. To clarify the dependence of ACh on inducing STDP, patch-clamp recordings were made to the soma of GCs using rat hippocampal slices. As the results, STDPs at the MPP and LPP synapses were shifted to long-term potentiation direction along with ACh concentration by BCM curve. One of the mechanisms seemed to be an elevation of baseline amplitude during STDP-inducing stimuli allowing postsynaptic Ca2+ level increased. In addition, STDP at the LPP synapse was smaller than that of at the MPP. These results suggest that ACh may contribute to highlighting important information when spatial and non-spatial information is provided simultaneously.}, pages = {33--38}, title = {海馬歯状回のスパイク依存可塑性に対するアセチルコリン効果}, year = {2023} }