@article{oai:tamagawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000291, author = {大貫, 葵子 and 成川, 康男}, issue = {59}, journal = {玉川大学工学部紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {Semi-structured interviews were conducted with female students who were interested in becoming mathematics teachers. They were surveyed about the events that occurred when they were choosing a science field and when they were pursuing a career as a mathematics teacher. The results revealed the following: Social orientations and social subsidies observed in previous studies were not existed around the participants at the time of choosing a mathematics course, suggesting that they were making career choices true to their own values. The tendency is that when women who excel in science or mathematics are present around them, they are more likely to choose it.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {中学・高校の数学教員を目指す女子学生の進路選択に関する質的研究}, year = {2024} }